Christmas Home Decor Haul.

Last year, I bought my Christmas decorations in December which means I got the left over items no one wanted. You would think I would learn my lesson but I didn't. I bought my fall decorations late this year too. I wasn't going to make that mistake again; I decided to do my Christmas decoration shopping … Continue reading Christmas Home Decor Haul.

Stores for Fall Decorations.

My favorite season is fall and it's not because PSL are back. I love that pumpkins can work for both October and November. Ever since I moved out on my own, I love putting seasonal decorations up. I even did a blog post on a DIY Glitter Pumpkins last year. It was fun making them … Continue reading Stores for Fall Decorations.

I’m turning into my Mother.

Hi Everyone! If you're one of my close friends, you would know my childhood home decor is white. My mom loves the color white; I grew up in a home that has white walls, white furniture and now a white kitchen. I use to hate that color for a home because as the crazy child I was, … Continue reading I’m turning into my Mother.